
Lovell concerned about priority housing waiting list across region

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Left out in the cold: State Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell has accused the state government of failing families needing priority housing. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

State Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell has accused the government of failing to provide housing for vulnerable families.

She said that data from the 2023-24 state budget showed the number of people seeking priority housing had risen.

The March quarter Social Housing Waiting List released in the first week of June revealed 934 families waiting to be housed in the Moira Shire with 571 families having priority status.

The total number of families waiting to be housed in Greater Shepparton stands at 2665 with 1477 families having priority status.

In Strathbogie Shire, the number of families in need sits at 93 with 52 families having priority status.

State-wide 67,985 families require housing with 37,079 families listed as priorities.

Families with priority status are those deemed in need of immediate housing with factors including those fleeing domestic violence, are homeless or at risk of recurring homelessness, living with a disability or have special housing needs.

With thousands seeking housing, waiting times for those under priority status have also increased.

Data has revealed that in June 2022 families escaping domestic violence were waiting 16.1 months to be housed, an increase of five months from June 2021.

Families who are homeless, living with a disability or with special housing needs are also facing longer waits with times increasing from 12.4 months in June 2021 to 13.9 months in June 2022.

“Daniel Andrews and Labor are leaving some of Victoria’s most vulnerable residents languishing on an ever-growing waiting list with little prospect of gaining a house any time soon,” Ms Lovell said.

A state government spokesperson said the government acknowledged the increase in demand and was trying to house as many people as possible.

“Under the historic $5.3 billion Big Housing Build, we're on track to deliver at least 12,000 new social and affordable homes for Victorians to house applicants from the Victorian Housing Register,“ the spokesperson said.

“Since 2020 more than 7600 homes have been completed or are under way, and more than 2000 households have either moved or are getting ready to move into brand new homes.”