
Major banks ignore community concerns by shutting branches, union secretary says

Closed doors: The Seymour ANZ branch announced its permanent closure in December 2022 after months of being shut following flooding. Photo by AAP

The Finance Sector Union (FSU) is calling on the major banks to stop closing bank branches in metropolitan and regional areas while a Senate Inquiry into Regional Branch Closures is under way.

ANZ closed its Seymour branch in December 2022 after temporarily closing due to flood damage in October.

At the time ANZ district manager Gurjot Thandi said the way customers conducted their banking had changed over the past five years, with more preferring online and mobile banking.

Community members had voiced concerns on a local Facebook page regarding banking options for the elderly or computer-illiterate.

As more branches were identified for closure, FSU National Secretary Julia Angrisano said both the CBA and ANZ had committed to pausing regional closures while the inquiry continues.

However, National Australia Bank was refusing to pause regional branch closures.

“The major banks are making massive profits and yet they continue to shut down branches and they don’t care about customers and businesses who are impacted by these closures,” Ms Angrisano said.

“The morale of bank workers is at rock bottom as they wait to hear if their branch and their job is on the hit list.”

“The FSU believes the banks should be compelled to pause all closures, in metropolitan and regional areas, while the Senate Inquiry is under way.”

“All Australians deserve to have access to the full range of financial services no matter where they live.”