
Major exhibit to come to SAM

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The Arndt Collection: Gilbert and George's Union Dance (2008) is one of the pieces on display as part of the collection. Photo by Contributed

A new major exhibit is set to hit Shepparton Art Museum this summer.

The ARNDT Collection: From One World to Another will be shown exclusively at SAM from November 11, letting people look into the private art collection of Matthias Arndt and Tiffany Wood.

Curated by Rachel Vance, the Director and Curator of the Arndt Collection, the collection explores Mr Arndt and Ms Wood’s passion for collecting and their relationships with their favourite artists.

Featuring over forty artworks, including paintings, film, sculptures, ceramics, photography, works on paper and furniture design, the ARNDT Collection is all about how art inspires new ways of experiencing the world.

Mr Arndt and Ms Wood said that to them, collecting art is a continuous source of inspiration.

“As art collectors, we take great pleasure in acquiring artworks and cherishing them in our daily lives. However, collecting art carries a profound responsibility and the privilege of sharing the art we’re passionate about with a broad audience,” they said.

“This is why we’re particularly thrilled about collaborating with SAM and the opportunity to showcase a carefully curated selection from our art collection, engaging in a dialogue with a larger audience.”

The exhibit includes works from many high-profile artists, including a selection of Pablo Picasso’s ceramics, UK duo Gilbert and George’s photo-collage Union Dance (2008), as well as works from renowned Australian artists Del Kathryn Barton and Ben Quilty.

The exhibition will primarily be featured in the People’s Gallery on level two, with the ceramics on display just outside Elsewhere at SAM Cafe.

The Arndt Collection will be showing at SAM from November 11 until March 10, 2024.

Visitors to the exhibit are also invited to join a free guided tour with Mr Arndt on Friday, November 17, at 2pm to gain a deeper understanding of the collection.

Bookings for the tour can be made via Humanitix at