
Mangalore Super Puma ready for fire season

State of the art: The Super Puma is equipped with a long-line bucket with a 4000-litre capacity. The aircraft can carry up to 19 passengers and is used for transporting firefighters to fires in remote areas.

Victoria’s Night Aviation Program is set for the high fire-risk period of summer, with the aircraft having responded to about 200 fires so far this season.

The state’s 50-strong firefighting fleet includes a Super Puma based at Mangalore.

These aircraft have also been important for the flood response over recent months.

Victorian Emergency Services Minister Jaclyn Symes said she saw firsthand the difference these aircraft made to regional communities during flooding events and thanked the personnel who operated them.

“As grasses dry out, the night aviation fleet provides a vital extra element in our efforts to protect communities across the state,” Ms Symes said.

“This is the period where we know risk can be higher, and we’re remaining vigilant night and day.”

Victoria has a surge capacity of up to 100 aircraft.

As part of national aircraft arrangements, the Q400 Large Air Tanker is shared with Queensland, and based in Victoria for the state’s high-risk season.