
Marg wins a new car

Margie Wilkinson with her new car.

A large crowd turned up at the club on Sunday for the wrap-up of its Membership ‘Wine, Dine and Win’ competition.

The final draw to win a key to try her luck in the competition went to Sandy Turner.

Once all the keys had been distributed the key holders were invited to try their luck with their keys in the car door

Several attempts were made before Marg Wilkinson’s key did the trick.

To say she was surprised and delighted was an understatement.

Those who know her were well aware that she was still coming to grips with the fact that she had actually received a key in the first place.

Congratulations Marg I hope you enjoy your new car.


The funeral service for the late Maurice McBurnie will be held on Tuesday at the Anglican Church.

Following the 11am service mourners will travel to the Mathoura Cemetery where he will be laid to rest.

Refreshments will later be served at Mathoura Bowling Club.


If you enjoy a day out on Melbourne Cup Day you can do so this year without even leaving town.

The Mathoura Hospital Auxiliary is planning one of its well known functions to mark the occasion and you can be assured it will be a great day out.

Keep tuned for more information but in the meantime put a ring around November 5 on your calendar.


Mathoura Public School students are generally regarded as pretty smart, but with food a great way of improving attention they are soon likely to get even smarter.

The school’s P&C is working on the theory that good food can help boost brain activity with the introduction of Monday Munchies to their lunchtime menus


Isn’t it great to have the trains rumbling through again on a fairly regular basis.

It reminds me of when it was at least a regular occurrence and a delight for a young visitor who shouted with delight whenever he heard the whistle as it approached town.

By the time it actually rumbled through he was at the end of the drive waving madly to the guys in the cabin, and they really made his day by waving back and tooting the horn.

This no doubt led to his ambition to be a train driver, and while he has not yet reached that goal, he is heading in the right direction after taking up a position with Yarra Trams.