Margaret turns 102

Margaret Sheppard recently celebrated her 102nd birthday.

A big happy birthday to our oldest resident Margaret Sheppard, who turned 102 last week.


The annual Coleambally/Darlington Point Country Education Foundation’s Trivia Night is on Friday, July 26 at Coleambally Community Club from 7pm.

Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Tables of up to six - contact Marilyn to register your team on 0419 400 231.

All proceeds go towards helping local students from Coleambally and Darlington Point with costs to continue their education at university or through an apprenticeship/traineeship.


Places are limited for the Financial Skills Workshop on Wednesday, July 24 at the Coleambally Community Hall.

RSVP is required by Wednesday, July 17. Call Rowena Propsting on (02) 8115 2550.


The Coleambally Garden Club can give you advice on all your pruning needs this winter.

They’d love to welcome some new members to their relaxed and informative group. Contact Marlyn on 0417 548 817.


Coleambally Can Assist’s annual general meeting is August 5, 2pm at the Uniting Church. All current or new members are most welcome.


Please send any information for ‘Coly Chatter’ to by 6pm each Sunday evening.