
McCurdy calls for hospital upgrade

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Concerned: State Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy says the regional health care system in Victoria has been overlooked.

“Healthcare in Cobram has been seriously overlooked”, these were the words of State Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy as he questioned the state of regional health care in a session of Parliament.

Mr McCurdy singled out Cobram Hospital in Parliament and said the hospital continued to operate without key medical services.

“We did not have ultrasound facilities and continue to be denied a dialysis unit as well,” Mr McCurdy said.

While ultrasound facilities have returned to Cobram late 2022, Mr McCurdy said requests for dialysis units still remained ‘cruelly denied’ by the Minister for Health.

Outside Parliament, Mr McCurdy continued his push for a $30 million upgrade to Cobram Hospital.

“Cobram needs a serious investment to keep up with the growth of the population,” Mr McCurdy said.

“I call on the Andrews Government to fund this important $30 million investment into Cobram Hospital, which will bring the facilities up to modern standards, and provide a greater incentive for staff to call Cobram home.”

Mr McCurdy described the work that Cobram Hospital staff do as magnificent and said an upgrade would help ensure the hospital was properly staffed.

“We want to continue to attract the best and the brightest to come to our regional towns ... Once again I call on the government to back regional healthcare workers in towns such as Cobram and invest in the future of this great town.

The Courier has reached out to the Victorian Government but has yet to hear back.