
Meet the new Cobram Barooga RSL sub-branch president

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New face: Barry Clarke is the new Cobram Barooga RSL sub-branch president. Photo by Contributed

Cobram Barooga RSL sub-branch has a new president.

Barry Clarke has taken over the position formerly occupied by Glenn Murphy, who moved to Townsville, Queensland.

Mr Clarke, who lived in Cobram before moving to Mooroopna, recently returned to Cobram and has been living in town for the past 14 months.

While in Mooroopna Mr Clarke was part of the Tatura RSL, and like many RSL members formerly served in the military.

“I was in the Citizen Military Forces, now known as the reserves,” he said.

Mr Clarke served in the infantry reserves in the 1960s and his time in uniform is the source of fond memories.

“The mateship, and it was just a good experience learning different things, how to safely handle weapons and having a sense of pride,” he said.

Mr Clarke is no stranger to the Cobram Barooga RSL sub-branch, having previously served as secretary.

As president, his duties include running meetings and liaising with different elements of the community, including schools.

For Mr Clarke, his favourite part of being part of the RSL is the bond between members, which he likens to his time in the military.

“The comradeship and keeping alive the memory of our veterans and supporting the veterans that are still around,” he said.

Mr Clarke said Anzac Day was an opportunity to pay tribute to the sacrifice of those in uniform.

“(It means) remembering the sacrifice that the defence forces have made and the people who have made the supreme sacrifice, and those who have returned injured both in mind and body,” he said.

As for fun, Mr Clarke said he enjoys his cars and fishing.