
Miniature long haired dachshund Toby is a people lover

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Still a baby: Toby, a miniature long haired dachshund, is owned by Tatura resident Neesa Witt. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Life with a miniature long haired dachshund is never boring.

Just ask Neesa Witt from Tatura.

She is the proud ‘mother’ of Toby, who at 22 weeks is quite a handful.

Miss Witt said it had always been the plan to get Toby.

“It’s just something I’ve always wanted and they (miniature long haired dachshunds) are really cute. My dad used to have one and said they are really fun to have,” she said.

Dogs have always played a part in Miss Witt’s life, and she also owns an 11-year-old Labrador named Ned.

Toby, her newest four-legged ‘child’, came to her via a registered breeder in Geelong.

Like all children, Toby can be quite a handful.

Bundle of Joy: Toby loves attention and has a friendly, if mischievous, personality. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

With a mischievous personality, Toby has the curiosity of a detective and the destructive abilities of a tank.

“He gets into anything and everything he can and he creates a mess when the family isn’t home,” Miss Witt said.

Mess usually means destroyed shoes, although they aren’t his only victims.

“He finds paper; I don’t know where from, half the time,” Miss Witt said.

Curious: Toby, like all young dogs, is interested in the world around him. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Although Miss Witt provides Toby with an ample supply of dog toys, she said he did not find them that interesting.

Instead Toby ‘makes’ his own toys.

“Currently it’s a Barbie doll or like a water bottle, which makes a lot of sound ... like a plastic one,” Miss Witt said.

Miss Witt is often the recipient of random ‘presents’ from Toby.

Alternatively Toby will run away with things with a smile on his face, looking rather pleased with himself.

As for catching him, Miss Witt admits that sometimes Toby simply outruns her.

Toby gets away with a lot — thanks to his cuteness.

“He’s a handful but also really cute,” Miss Witt said.

Toby also has a flair for the dramatic and if he doesn’t get to sleep in Miss Witt’s bed he spends much of the night crying.

If he does sleep in Miss Witt’s bed he can be found lying on his back, belly up and paws hanging.

Crying is also Toby’s go-to tactic when he feels he is not getting enough attention.

Toby is friendly and generally gets along with people and other animals.

He adores Labrador Ned and loves to play tug of war. Occasionally he even wins.

Playful: Toby is an active dog and keeps his owner on her toes. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Miss Witt, who is an aged care resident worker, takes Toby to work on her days off to meet the residents.

“He loves the residents and they all love him,” Miss Witt said.

The only people that Toby does have reservations about, at least initially, are children.

“He sometimes gets scared with kids, but eventually opens to them,” Miss Witt said.

Bearing gifts: Toby often shares his discoveries, such as this stick, with his owner. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Whenever he travels, Toby sits in a little carriage cage, which he loves.

As for anyone thinking about getting a miniature long haired dachshund, Miss Witt believes that with proper consideration they can make a great addition to the family.

“Make sure you do your research, as they are definitely a pet to have,” she said.

Forever home: Miss Witt loves Toby and Toby loves Miss Witt. Photo by Rechelle Zammit