
Mitchell Shire Council now under new leadership

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New leadership: Councillor Louise Bannister has been elected Mitchell Shire Council’s new Mayor, and Councillor Nathan Clark is the new Deputy Mayor. Photo: Mitchell Shire Council

The Mitchell Shire Council is now under new leadership after Councillor Louise Bannister was elected Mayor on Monday, November 13.

Cr Nathan Clark was elected the shire’s Deputy Mayor.

The new Mayor said she looked forward to working with the community to advocate for much-needed infrastructure and services.

“I look forward to supporting them in advocating and being a voice for their communities,” she said.

“It is our last year of this council term, and I hope we can embrace innovative thinking and work together as a team to lead Mitchell shire to a better place than it was when we started.”

Cr Bannister also mentioned she hoped to encourage more people to run for leadership positions in the local government.

“I want to take this opportunity to show people that you can be an advocate and a voice for your community along with the other important aspects of your life,” she said.

Cr Nathan Clark said he was mainly concerned with the liveability of the communities as they transformed through growth.

He wants to ensure existing lifestyles are preserved as best as possible, new communities thrive, and that wealth generated from rezoning benefits existing and future residents.

“In the final year of the council term, I hope to encourage a greater appetite for risk in the organisation,” he said.

“There are many opportunities to be explored, and I look forward to speaking to and hearing from the community about them.”

Cr Bannister and Cr Clark congratulated former mayor Fiona Stevens on serving her one term from 2022 to 2023.

“Thank you for allowing me to serve as mayor and be a part of Mitchell shire’s remarkable journey toward a brighter tomorrow,“ Cr Stevens said.

“I must acknowledge the dedication of my fellow councillors and council staff who have worked tirelessly throughout the year.”

“Your commitment has been the driving force behind our accomplishments.”

Cr Stevens congratulated the newly elected mayor and deputy mayor.