
Moira Shire Council gets new marketing expert

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Marketing guru: John Hall with former Getaway presenter Livinia Nixon. Photo by Contributed

Moira Shire Council has a new marketing advisor in the form of local businessman, cactus expert and marketing guru John Hall.

Mr Hall is part of the council’s growing tourism and marketing team, which council hopes will help put the shire on the map and in the minds of tourists.

His role will see him working with local businesses to help them increase their digital presence.

Mr Hall brings to the role years of experience, which has included the marketing for the award-winning Cactus Country and chairing the Echuca Moama Tourism board.

Mr Hall said he was eager to bring greater positive attention to the shire.

“I'm looking forward to the new challenge, new environment and in particular, working with the tourism, marketing and communications team to put our little part of the Murray on the map,” Mr Hall said.

Council chief executive Clare Keenan said it was exciting to have Mr Hall on board and that his combined marketing experience and local knowledge would make him a key asset to the council team.

“John Hall is an award winner in tourism and a social marketing guru,” Ms Keenan said.

“It is an amazing achievement for me as CEO to have someone such as John, who has formerly challenged council, to now bring his youth, vigour and talent as an employee to improve our community engagement from the inside.”

Mr Hall’s arrival comes as recent natural disasters have had a knock-on effect, with thousands of tourists cancelling planned visits, leaving local tourism operators struggling.