
Moira Shire FoodShare adjusts hours for better operation

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New hours: The Moira Shire Foodshare has new opening hours to enhance service Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Moira Shire Foodshare, located on 116 Karook St Cobram, is changing operating hours from Monday July 31.

The new opening hours will be 10am to 12pm Monday to Friday.

Moira Foodshare coordinator James Rouell said that the change of hours is to ensure a better flow of operations and to take into account seasonal weather changes.

“In the 40 degree days it’s safer for people to walk in the morning,” he said.

The organisation has been been a vital resource for many Cobram locals throughout the years and sources food from Foodbank and local suppliers which is then distributed to more than 1000 people in the Cobram area.

Food products both perishable and non perishable including fruit and vegetables are available according to supply.

Mr Rouell said anyone who can assist, be it monetary or food donations, is most welcome to do so

“Their donations will go a long way to helping those vulnerable (people) in the community. Just $1 creates two meals for a family and we really appreciate any support.

If you would like to help out you can email James Rouell at