
Monster exhibition comes to life

Janice Gallpen, Frida and Lotus Gallpen-Brown and Chris Brown at the exhibition opening on the weekend.

Another monster success.

That is how Outback Theatre for Young People described its annual summer holiday program, which concluded with a two day public exhibition at the weekend.

With a ‘Monster-iffic’ theme, 30 young people were guided in visual art and drama over two weeks.

The end result of those workshops were on display to the public at the Deniliquin Multi Arts Centre on Saturday and Sunday, attracting about 85 viewers.

The exhibition included sculptures, illustrations and paintings and a drama performance of techniques learnt through the workshops.

Outback Theatre for Young People CEO and creative producer Sarah Parsons said it was the perfect end for all the hard work put in by the young people.

“It was glorious to watch the participants using their imaginations in a scale they haven't before, and seeing them so excited at the exhibition was such a joy for all of us,” she said.

“Our artistic team of Edwina Circuitt, Spencer McGill and Scout and Tallulah McKenzie created an incredible environment that nurtured and encouraged wild creativity.”

Crothers family and friend Triah.
Artwork displayed during the exhibition.
Darcy Nilsson with the monster he created in partnership with Jasper Dwello and Chris Plant.