
Morning tea for epilepsy

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A touch of purple: Shirley O'Bree is hosting a morning tea to raise awareness for epilepsy. Photo by Steve Huntley

Shirley O’Bree was diagnosed with epilepsy 54 years ago and since then has raised more than $29,000 toward the Epilepsy Foundation.

This Purple Day, she has invited community members to a morning tea on Thursday, March 30 at the Cunningham Downs Community Centre on Mt Terrick Rd to raise awareness for epilepsy.

To attend, all you need to do is wear a touch of purple and bring a donation.

Raffles, lucky door prizes and Purple Day merchandise will be up for grabs.

Purple Day merchandise will also be available at local businesses in the Campaspe region, including Echuca Workers and Echuca’s Riverloaf Bakery.

Registrations must be completed by Thursday, March 16. To register for the morning tea, phone Shirley on 0418 505 243.