
Morrie Evans wing at Benalla Health caring for the elderly since 1978

New facility: Residents and nurses at the brand-new Morrie Evans wing of Benalla Health pictured in 1978. Photo by Contributed

The Morrie Evans Wing of Benalla Health celebrated its 45th birthday on Friday, June 16, with a party for all 30 residents.

The celebration had a 70s theme to honour the year it opened and there was cake and (alcohol free) bubbly on hand for staff and residents to enjoy.

Benalla Mayor Bernie Hearn was on hand to cut the cake with resident Margaret Firth.

And residents enjoyed playing some music and having a singalong.

Hip hip hooray: Margaret Firth and Mayor Bernie Hearn cut the cake. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Allison Burton, who has worked in the wing for more than 10 years, said it was a lovely day.

“There has been some changes in my time,” Ms Burton said.

“When I came here it was four-bed wards and shared bathrooms. Now we have all individual rooms and each resident has their own en-suite.

“The ward is a bit bigger, too.

Party time: Back row: Morrie Evans staff — Angela Lawrence, Kim Kerr, Tarsh Armstrong, Jenny Harrison, Simone Sammon, Jackie Kelly and Wendy Delaney. Front row: Residents — Margaret Hoy, Alison Saunders, Helen Horne and Rita Proud. Photo by Simon Ruppert

“We now have an activities room and beautiful gardens.

“We still have the same amount of residents as back in 1978, but now they have their own rooms and a lot more space which is lovely.

Celebration: Audrey Lang, Adrienne Doornekamp, Mary Theil and Valda White enjoy the party. Photo by Simon Ruppert

“And because we only have 30 here the staff get to know the residents really well and it’s got a nice family atmosphere.

“Because of that bond we have quite a lot of staff who have been here a long time.”