
Moving film on Palestine well attended

Lime East's Rhona Rose said the recent screening of Palestine Under Siege at Swanpool Cinema was well attended. Photo by Contributed

The recent screening of Palestine Under Siege at Swanpool Cinema was well attended and received a positive audience response.

The film was made by Australian filmmakers, as a resource to educate people about the background to the situation in Palestine.

Many people travelled long distances to view the film and participate in a Q and A session.

Some thought-provoking questions were asked, including about the responsibility of Hamas in the current situation.

The questions were answered in great detail by Dr Peter Slezak and Dr Mark Furlong.

Dr Slezak is co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices and a retired Professor of Philosophy at the University of NSW. He has spent considerable time in both Gaza and the West Bank.

Dr Furlong is an academic at La Trobe University. Both are long-time campaigners for Palestinian rights.

Event organiser Rhona Rose said the film showed the impact on Palestinians, who for many years have been faced with the choice of leave your home and farm, or die.

“This situation is at its worst in current times,” she said.

“The message people took from the film is the urgent need for the genocide to stop, for Palestinians to be allowed to return to their homes and farms and for the occupation to end so that Palestinians can live peacefully as equal citizens.”

The filmmakers are now working on a film about the current situation for Palestinians. It is anticipated that the follow-up film will be ready to premier around Australia in October.