
Murchison Australia Day proceedings a hit

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Feeling patriotic: Marion De Klijn getting into the spirit of things. Photo by Jay Bryce

More than 100 people filed into the Murchison Swimming Pool on Friday morning, January 26, for the community’s Australia Day proceedings.

Attendees were offered a free lottery ticket at the gate, greeted by the smell of snags and coffee.

It was a beautiful morning, contrasting the rainy night on Thursday, and the sun seemed to get brighter as more people filled up the venue.

Strumming: Murchison musician Peter Wilson providing some tunes for attendees. Photo by Jay Bryce

Local musician Peter Wilson treated the crowd to some beautiful tunes played on his guitar as the community mingled before the formalities.

SES and Men’s Shed members manned the barbecue next to the coffee van before the 2021 Murchison Citizen of the Year, Bruce Smith, kicked off the ceremony.


All rise: Murchison Primary School leaders assist in the raising of the flag. Photo by Jay Bryce

Murchison Primary School leaders assisted in transporting the Australian flag from the stage to the flagpole next to the pool’s waterslide.

The audience stood for the national anthem as the flag was raised.


Prizes up for grabs: MC Tino Catania and Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland presented the competition winners. Photo by Jay Bryce

MC Tino Catania presented the local competition winners.

The competitions included a Christmas lights award, a primary school colouring competition and a photo competition, with prizes donated by local families and businesses.

The lottery winners were also drawn, with prizes donated by Murchison Pharmacy.

Guest speakers

Recounting adventures: Dr Rob Jones sharing his animal adventures, looking back on his career working in aquariums. Photo by Jay Bryce

Murchison Primary School leaders wished everyone a great Australia Day and spoke about what it meant to them.

Former school captain Grace Morgan gave an informative speech about the amazing things Australians had invented throughout history.

Dr Rob Jones shared his career and life story as a veterinarian, working in aquariums nationwide and going on adventures across the globe.

From grappling sharks to wrestling crocodiles, it was a remarkable story.

Dr Jones said as the son of British migrants, he felt indebted to Australia for his opportunities and career experience.

He said he had fallen in love with the town after moving to Murchison three years ago.

Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland also attended and helped present the colouring competition awards to the primary school children.

She thanked the event organisers for inviting her and for their efforts in putting the proceedings together.

Australia Day awards

Local heroes: Community support officer Bob Langford and brigade captain Nathaniel Myer receiving the Community Event of the Year award on behalf of the Murchison Fire Brigade. Photo by Jay Bryce

Judith Revell was recognised with the Citizen of the Year award for more than two decades of instructing at the Murchison Swimming Pool.

She was an apology on the day.

“If any of you learned how to swim in Murchison, she probably taught you,” Mr Catania said.

The Murchison Fire Brigade was honoured with the Community Event of the Year award for all events it hosted.

From fires to floods, they supported the community through it all, as an entirely volunteer-run organisation.

Brigade captain Nathaniel Myer and community support officer Bob Langford were on hand to collect the award, speaking of their pride in their community’s resilience over the past few years.