Murray River Council has secured an electricity supply agreement with Iberdrola Australia through to the end of 2030.
The agreement is predicted to save the council around $413,498 over the next six years, compared to its current power bills.
It will also act as a financial safety net, fixing energy prices until 2030 and shielding the council from the electricity market roller-coaster.
Mayor John Harvie said the deal would mean greater energy security at a lesser cost.
“Securing a stable and predictable electricity price through to 2030 not only strengthens our energy security but also delivers significant cost savings,” he said.
The deal comes as part of a buyer’s group facilitating a power purchase agreement for 13 regional councils in NSW.
The Powering Tomorrow: Regional Councils NSW PPA managed to secure 390 gigawatt hours of electricity for 163 major council sites and street-lighting across regional NSW.
Through the collaboration, the participating councils increased their collective buying power to secure a competitive deal and reduced the procurement costs by sharing resources and fees.
As per the agreement, a significant portion of the electricity supply will be from renewable sources.