
Nagambie to decide electric vehicle charging station location

Seeking feedback: Nagambie has selected three potential locations for its new electric vehicle charging station. Photo by Supplied

Strathbogie Shire Council is seeking input on the final location of an electric vehicle charging station in Nagambie. Three locations have been determined as suitable options.

Car charging station company Evie Networks put in an application to the Destination Charging Across Victoria program to place one 50kW EV charger in Nagambie.

Mayor Laura Binks said the charging station was supported by council.

“As more and more people switch to electric vehicles, we know it is important for both residents and visitors to the area alike,” Cr Binks said.

“Business operators are set to benefit from the new charging station, as there will be more electric vehicle commuters coming to the area.”

Aside from significant tourism and economic benefits, the charging station will bring with it environmental benefits.

“It will mean the Nagambie community is contributing to achieving net zero emissions,” Cr Binks said.

“The stations are powered by 100 per cent renewable energy, meaning they will be sustainable into the future as the cost of living and petrol prices increase.

“The stations will be able to service over 90 per cent of the EV market with CCS2 and CHAdeMo charging ports.”

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