
Narrow escape for Wallis St businesses in single-car collision

Near miss: Nobody was injured in the crash.

A car narrowly escaped colliding with two Wallis St, Seymour shopfronts after it is believed to have veered off the road around midday on Tuesday, February 14.

The driver is understood to have entered Wallis St from the Station St roundabout before losing control of the vehicle.

The car crossed Wallis St on to the right-hand side of the road and crashed into the brick wall between Sureway Employment and Caffeine Bistro on Wallis St.

Seymour Highway Patrol attended the scene around midday.

Nobody was seriously injured, though the elderly man driving the vehicle had some minor cuts and bruises.

Employees of Sureway who were in the office at the time said that when they looked up they saw the vehicle heading towards the door.

“It was lucky because there was a signpost right where he was coming through, he hit the signpost and it came out of the ground but I think that pushed him further towards hitting the brick rather than the glass windows,” one employee said.

The Sureway workers said it was a scary experience.

“We just ran out there to make sure he was okay ... we tried to help him get out and then another lady that knew him came over and helped him get out of the car ... He was definitely shaken up,” one employee said.

“It was just so lucky no pedestrians got run over because there was a fair few people walking along.”

Both Sureway Employment and Caffeine Bistro were impacted by the October 2022 flooding. Now, both businesses are looking at a second round of repairs, just months later.