
Nationals call for government intervention on regional mobile coverage

Do better: David Littleproud has called for government intervention to push telcos towards improved regional connectivity. Photo by Samuel Edwards

Nationals Leader David Littleproud has taken aim at telcos, saying they have failed to provide an adequate service.

Mr Littleproud supports the ACCC’s decision to rule out a 10-year mobile infrastructure sharing deal with Telstra and TPG Telecoms, saying that more than 700 towers could have been lost in the deal.

Mr Littleproud has called for regulatory guidelines mandating roaming in regional areas.

This means towers would be shared between telcos and used by all Australians, regardless of their telco provider, improving coverage and competition.

“The Universal Service Guarantee isn’t working and needs reform, which was highlighted in the Regional Telecommunications Review handed down just before the Federal election,” Mr Littleproud said.

“Communication has never been more important.

“It’s critical as a safety and emergency response, enabling better commerce, business and social interaction in areas of limited network coverage.”

An ACCC inquiry into mobile roaming will focus on the costs and access to telecommunications towers and facilities.

Mr Littleproud encouraged those living in rural and remote locations to complete the online survey as part of the inquiry.

The survey is open until February, with a Regional Mobile Infrastructure Inquiry draft report to be published in April.

To complete the survey, visit