
Nationals MP Gaelle Broad campaigns for more regional road funding in state budget

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Calls for funding: Roads will be a hot topic in the lead-up to the state budget. Photo by Ray Sizer

State Member for Northern Victoria Region Gaelle Broad says vital funding is needed for regional roads and that this must be a key focus for next month’s state budget.

The budget is set to be revealed on May 23, and Ms Broad says the government must take this issue seriously and prioritise regional road funding.

“We’re tired of dodging potholes, reduced speed limits, and sharing single lane roads with heavy transport vehicles,” she said.

“Residents are being forced to pay for vehicle repairs and increased wear-and-tear on their cars because of the lack of state government investment in our roads.”

Ms Broad said she had been communicating with local councils, who needed state funding to repair the roads, which had become worse after the flooding last year.

“After years of underfunding, our regional and rural roads are in disrepair, and the Victorian floods last year made bad roads even worse,” she said.

“When it comes to road maintenance, we need to ensure the job is done properly the first time, instead of temporary Band-Aid solutions that only last weeks or months until the next heavy rain causes more potholes and rough surfaces.”

Ms Broad wants roads to become a priority ahead of the 2026 Commonwealth Games, which will be held in regional Victoria.

“When international tourists come to regional Victoria for the Commonwealth Games in 2026, we want them stopping to enjoy our silo art, rather than street art around potholes,” she said.

“The Labor Government needs to invest in all of Victoria, and commit to making regional road funding a priority in the budget.”