
New bridge named Dhungala

Bridge named: Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce at the newly-named Dhungala Bridge. Photo: Bransen Gibson

Dhungala will be the name of the new Echuca-Moama Bridge Project, which was opened to traffic on Monday morning by Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, months ahead of schedule.

He and Victorian Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allen were the key figures in opening the new Murray and Campaspe River bridges, named in recognition of the region’s rich and proud Indigenous heritage.

The new Murray River crossing will be known as Dhungala Bridge and the new Campaspe River crossing will be called Yakoa Bridge — with Dhungala and Yakoa the respective names in Yorta Yorta language for the Murray and Campaspe rivers.

Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation, Moama Local Aboriginal Land Council and Cummeragunja Local Aboriginal Land Council collaborated to name the Dhungala Bridge with Yorta Yorta Nation endorsing the name for the new Campaspe River crossing.

Mr Joyce, who is Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Minister, said the completion of the project was another example of the Coalition government delivering for regional Australia.

“The Coalition government is delivering the infrastructure that will make our nation as strong as possible as quickly as possible,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“We put the money on the table for the new Echuca-Moama Bridge, and now we’ve delivered the biggest transport infrastructure project this region has ever seen.

“This will completely transform the movement of freight through this region, slashing costs for transport operators and moving goods and commodities to where they need to be, sooner.

“Projects like this will drive our economy into the future by supporting the industries that produce and sell the products that make our nation wealthier and stronger.”

Ms Allan said the Echuca-Moama Bridge Project would transform travel between the border towns.

“You only had to see the excitement of the packed crowd who walked across the new river crossing at yesterday’s special community event to understand this is a landmark project that’s going to dramatically improve everyday travel in this iconic region,” Ms Allan said.

“It’s expected 10,000 vehicles will use the new river crossing every day, reducing traffic on the existing Murray River bridge by about 40 per cent — a reduction that will considerably ease peak hour congestion for people travelling between Echuca and Moama.

“With the combined population of Echuca-Moama expected to grow by around 20 per cent by 2031, this second river crossing will cater for the immense growth across both towns, keeping them moving for decades to come.”

“The history of the Murray and Campaspe rivers is intrinsically linked to the Aboriginal communities, so we’re delighted the two new bridges will be known by traditional Yorta Yorta names.”

The story behind the new Murray River bridge’s name is told in the stunning Dreamtime-themed artwork, Dhungala Dreaming, created by Yorta Yorta elder Aunty Judy Atkinson, which was recently unveiled in Victoria Park, Echuca.

Cyclists and pedestrians are also among the project’s chief beneficiaries, with 4.9km of new safe and scenic shared user paths now open for their enjoyment alongside the new river crossing.

More than 400 direct jobs and up to 1100 indirect jobs were created during the project, with many local businesses and suppliers employed to provide ongoing services.

The Echuca-Moama Bridge has been delivered by Major Road Projects Victoria and construction partner McConnell Dowell with crews clocking more than 640,000 construction hours on Stage 3 of the project alone.

The Echuca-Moama Bridge Project is jointly funded by the Australian, Victorian and NSW governments.