
New Goulburn Valley Health board member appointed

Dr Julia Cornwell McKean has been appointed as a Goulburn Valley Health board member.

Julia Cornwell McKean is about to become an extremely busy woman, having been appointed to the Goulburn Valley Health board.

This is another important role for Dr Cornwell McKean, who is a commissioner to the Victorian Building Authority board, chairing two of its committees, and was elected to Berrigan Shire Council in December 2021.

She is also an independent member of Ambulance Victoria’s procurement governance committee and was a senior Commonwealth public servant for 12 years, working in multiple government roles.

“I am delighted to be appointed as a board member at GV Health,” Dr Cornwell McKean said.

“I have been a long-standing advocate for health services in rural and regional areas, and am excited to be appointed to this position to ensure the continued growth and standards of GV Health’s services for our area.”

A Doctor of Philosophy and a Wiradjuri woman, Dr Cornwell McKean lives in Barooga on the lands of the Bpangerang people.

After an interview process of 22 applicants for the position, the Victorian Health Minister appointed Dr Cornwell McKean for a three-year term, which began on October 11.

She was welcomed to the role by board chair Michael Delahunty on behalf of GV Health.

“Julia’s skills and experience are highly valued by the board, as well as her local knowledge being a resident of the GV Health catchment area,” Mr Delahunty said.

“We look forward to working with Julia to achieve the best health outcomes for our community.”