
New initiative aims to help youth

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Partnership: GOTAFE chief executive Travis Heeney speaking with Lighthouse Project executive officer Amy Robinson.

The Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project is partnering with GOTAFE to support the wellbeing of young people in the community by introducing a program called Opportunities and Life Links for Youth.

The program will provide a welcoming and non-judgmental space for young people to access food and positive social and learning experiences, and the opportunity to refer those in need to relevant services.

It will replace Lighthouse program The Haven, which was established in 2017.

The new premises will be at the GOTAFE Shepparton campus, and the program will build on what The Haven has previously provided.

“This partnership sees The Haven evolve, with strengthened links to employability training, and will assist with connecting our young people with their first job,” Lighthouse executive officer Amy Robinson said.

GOTAFE chief executive Travis Heeney said the program would provide support services for young people and facilitate after-hours activities.

“Together, we are putting resources and strategies in place to address the issues impacting young people systematically and will be improving the future for all generations to come,” he said.

Youth consultation sessions for Opportunities and Life Links for Youth are under way, and the allocated space at GOTAFE is fitted out with the necessary kitchen facilities and furnishings.