
New Lions president to help feed Benalla’s homeless

Outgoing Benalla Lions president Peter Poels (pictured) has welcomed new president Chris Vaughan to the role. Photo by Simon Ruppert

The torch was passed at the Benalla Lions changeover dinner on Thursday, June 20, with new president Chris Vaughan planning a vital new service.

Outgoing president Peter Poels said Mr Vaughan headed to Wangaratta on Monday, June 24 to see how their club goes about offering hot meals to local people experiencing homelessness.

One of Mr Vaughan’s main projects for the upcoming year is to offer free hot meals to those in Benalla who might not otherwise eat at all.

“Chris has been with us for three years,” Mr Poels said.

“We finally got our food truck back, 11 months after it was stolen and damaged.

“And Chris thinks it will be perfect to help feed people who are homeless.”

The club had planned to use its food truck for a variety of charitable programs like Driver Reviver, but had to be creative while it was out of action.

“We did Driver Reviver with a gazebo during the Easter long weekend,” he said.

“Luckily, there wasn’t much wind that day, and we managed to raise $1300 for the Royal Children’s Hospital (as part of the Good Friday Appeal).

“But now we have the truck back, on top of things like Driver Reviver, we hope to give out meals once a week, or month depending on the demand.”

Mr Poels said the club would also be looking at updating bench seating throughout Benalla.

“We are trying to raise enough money to replace the wooden slats with recycled materials.”

He said the club was always on the lookout for new members.

“If anyone is interested, get in touch. We invite them to come along to three meetings where we pay for their meals,” he said.

“Then it is up to them if they decide to become a member.”

If you are interested in finding out more, email Mr Poels, via or call 0448 399 227.