
New mural to mark hall’s anniversary

Street artist Damien Mitchell (fourth from left) with volunteers at the Finley & District Historical Museum & Log Cabin after completing its mural in 2022. Damein is returning to Finley to complete yet another mural, at the School of Arts hall.

Plans are well under way for the celebration of 120 years of the Finley School of Arts hall to take place over the weekend of August 23, 24 and 25.

Damien Mitchell, well known mural artist, will begin painting a mural on the south wall of the School of Arts hall from August 18 and will complete the painting on Saturday, August 24.

Damien is very happy to welcome members of the community to go along on the Saturday, have a chat and see him in action.

The organising committee is pleased to announce that all three museums in Finley will be open on Saturday, August 24 from 10am until 3pm.

The School of Arts hall will also be open between 10am and 4pm with a display of memorabilia. Free morning and afternoon tea will be available.

Celebrations will come to a close with the wonderful Finley Regional Care Auxiliary Artisan and Creativity Expo to be held in the War Memorial Hall on Sunday, August 25 with morning and afternoon tea available in the School of Arts hall between 10am and 3pm. Entry – gold coin donation.

There will be raffles, demonstrations, local handmade goods, Pott Arts and Crafts, coffee van, vintage wares, plants, recycled products and many more for perusal.

Anyone wishing to book a stall can still do so by contacting Susan Hand on 0419 831 544 and Maria McCaw on 0429 839 438.


Adam Couchman

Adam Couchman, the son of well-known Finley resident Phil Couchman, has been appointed Academic Dean of St. Francis’s College, starting on Monday.

“Adam’s achievements in life are largely the result of the assistance and encouragement of his mother, Helen and stepfather Kevin,” Phil said.

Adam was previously the registrar at Yarra Theological Union and completed his PhD earlier in the year with Eva Burrows College while holding down a full-time position.

Yarra Theological Union will miss Adam’s contribution over 2½ years to the organisation while acknowledging he richly deserves his new position.

He is well known for his dedication, creativity, kindness and care.

St Francis College staff are looking forward to having Adam as part of the team.


Finley Hospital Auxiliary members would like to advise they will be holding a winter clothing half price sale at the community Op Shop starting Monday, August 12.

There are some items not included in the sale; however, this is a great opportunity to call in, have a browse around and a chat to the wonderful volunteers and no doubt find some great bargains.

Profits from the Op Shop are used to provide extra facilities and comfort to patients in our local hospital and the members would like to express their sincere thanks for the community’s support.

Notice is given that the annual general meeting will take place in the community centre at the hospital on Friday, August 23 at 2pm. New members are welcome to attend.


An information session on Advance Care Planning, Funeral Arrangements and End of Life Legalities will be held tomorrow (Thursday, August 8).

It is organised by Murrumbidgee Local Health District specialist palliative care team, together with the support of the Local Health Advisory Committee.

It will take place between 10.30am and 12.30pm at the Finley RS Club.


Residents of Finley and the surrounding area are invited to attend Finley Library on Wednesday, August 14 to meet well-known author of the best-selling Barrington Series, Susan Mackie Tyrrell, at 1.30pm.

This will be followed by afternoon tea, catered for by Finley CWA (cost $5).

Originally discouraged from following her dream to be an author, Susan became a journalist before publishing her first book in 2020, having gained experience in publishing, marketing, tourism and small business.

Susan is keen to support up-and-coming authors and is always happy to provide information and have a chat.

Be sure to take advantage of meeting Susan at the Finley Library.

Who knows, we may even have some budding authors in our community.


Finley and the surrounding communities can be justifiably proud of the principal, staff and especially the students at Finley High School.

Last term, the SRC ran the fourth year of raising funds for MND and achieved their amazing goal of $10,000.

Several activities were held to raise funds including selling MND beanies and socks, bake sale, lunchtime footy kicking competitions, lolly jar guessing competitions, to name a few.

The school would like to thank all those who helped in any way to make this such a success, particularly the businesses and families who donated raffle prizes.

These included the Bauer Family, The Standard Squeeze, Three Girls Homewares, Daisey Mae’s, Shoex, Southern Riverina Scents, and the Irvine Family.

It is nice to know that the future of our local communities is in the hands of such a caring and responsible generation.


Graham Hendy and Julie Congram were the lucky recipients of the Finley Lions Club wood raffle on Saturday.

Remember, all tickets purchased are going into a draw at the end of the season for a homemade made fire pit.


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