
New name added to cenotaph

Jerilderie’s Anzac Day Dawn Service and the 10am service at the cenotaph were well attended.

President of the local RSL Sub-branch Laurie Blackmore, who this year attended the Anzac Day service in Melbourne, can rest easy that his usual role as MC of Jerilderie proceedings was handled with great aplomb by John Crittenden.

John, who is secretary of the local RSL Sub-branch, enthralled the crowd at the cenotaph with the story of how the Tocumwal Aerodrome came into being during World War II.

A lot of locals expressed their amazement that they had never heard the full story from its acquisition of land from local farmers at 24 hours notice, to it being the home of 5000 RAAF and WAAF service men and women during the war.

More than 50,000 RAAF personnel went through the base in its 18 year tenure, during the war.

The full story, from American involvement to transfer to the RAAF, can be appreciated by a visit to the Tocumwal Air Museum now situated at the site of the aerodrome.

Another special moment at the Jerilderie cenotaph service was the addition of the name of local man Ian Crutch (dec) to the Honour Roll.

It marks his military service at Butterworth Air Base in Malaya.


This month a Celebrating Seniors Festival will be taking place in Jerilderie, Darlington Point and Coleambally to mark Seniors Week.

In Jerilderie there will be an Olympics seniors’ luncheon tomorrow, with morning tea from 10.30am at the Jerilderie Sports Club. It will be a fun-filled day of Olympic-themed games, laughs and a free lunch.

On Friday a seniors’ movie will entertain at the Jerilderie Library from 1pm.

Bookings are essential for all activities. Drop into the council office or call 1300 676 243.


The Murray Primary Health Network is conducting ‘Conversations on the Couch’ in different regional towns, and will be in Jerilderie this Friday from 10am to noon, at the Jerilderie Bakery.

If you have any concerns about health care in your community, or ideas for improvements, go along and enjoy a chat over a cup of coffee.


‘mherv’ is coming to town!

The Rotary Club-sponsored men’s health education rural van will be in Jerilderie on Tuesday, May 14 from 9.30am to 3.30pm, and will be on site next to the vet clinic in the main street.

A registered nurse will be happy to take your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels, and have a quick chat about your health.

‘mherv’ is estimated to have saved more than 450 lives in the past five years because of these free checks.

‘mherv’ sees around 3500 patients each year and it is no surprise how many males have undetected symptoms. Around 40 per cent require following up with a GP.

Project leader Adrian Payne says: “While men are our key target as we don’t want them dropping dead in the paddock, ladies are also welcome.”

The 10 minutes given out of a busy day could save your life!


Another May activity coming up is the Public School Trivia Night set for Saturday, May 18.


Organisers of this year’s Uniting Church holiday program held recently at the Jerilderie Racecourse in beautiful autumn weather are delighted with its success.

Thanks have been expressed to all the local ladies for their help in preparing lunches and donating cakes and slices, and to the local church leaders who worked tirelessly to make the program run so smoothly.

A great three days was enjoyed by more than 50 of our local children, with 17 high school students from Sydney and 10 leaders providing wonderful role models for the participants.

Activities included singing, worship, craft, canoeing, cooking and a great variety of outdoor activities. The participants are looking forward to next year, to do it all again!

Particular thanks have been expressed to our local council for providing the racecourse facilities.

This support helps the Uniting Church to provide the program at very low cost to parents and carers, and is greatly appreciated!


Parishioners of St Joseph’s Catholic Church are reminded that the Saturday Vigil Mass, normally at 6pm, will be at 5pm during the colder months, starting this Saturday.

At St Stephen’s Anglican Church, starting from this Sunday, May 5, a service is to be held on the first Sunday of each month, at noon.

Fr Frederick and Rev Gemma Le Mesurier will be conducting the service. This will be followed by lunch at a different venue, each time.

This will be the only service to be held each month, but it is anticipated that it will be an opportunity for fellowship and enjoyment for all attending.

For further details please contact Irene on 5886 1223, or Helen on 0447 230 550.


Please note that the date for the unveiling of the Monash/Ned Kelly sculpture has been changed from early May to Sunday, November 17.

The sculpture is well on the way, and in clay form looks fantastic. Plans for the unveiling on the later date are now well in hand.


If you have any news you would like to share contact me on 5886 1241 or email