
New program launched to support breastfeeding in public

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Feeding facilities: More than 1000 venues have agreed to self-identify as being welcoming of public breastfeeding.

The Australian Breastfeeding Association is launching a new initiative to help promote safe physical spaces for mums to breastfeed while they are out and to raise community awareness of the needs of breastfeeding women and their babies.

The Breastfeeding is Welcome Everywhere program encourages local businesses and community venues to self-identify as being welcoming of all families, including breastfeeding women and babies. Currently 1060 venues are a part of this program.

Breastfeeding Friendly Environments team lead Emily Carrolan said mothers should not have to be concerned about when and where they breastfed.

“It is important that mothers feel respected to breastfeed when their baby needs to,” she said.

“Perceived judgment from others while breastfeeding in public, unwanted comments or staring and being made to feel they should cover up are all negative experiences that can impact a mum’s confidence to breastfeed in public or even continue breastfeeding at all.”

This program ensures businesses and venues recognise the rights of mothers and babies to breastfeed when and where they need it, and helps to remove barriers and reduce the social stigma that surrounds breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is Welcome Everywhere venues can be any sort of venue, including but not limited to cafés, hairdressers or public libraries. All eligible venues receive a Breastfeeding is Welcome Everywhere sticker for public display.

To find a Breastfeeding is Welcome Everywhere venue, visit