News blog, February 4: Disturbing needle spiking incidents; Sports Hall of Fame inductees honoured tonight

Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

Keep the news blog open in your browser throughout the day to check back on the latest news from across the Goulburn Valley.

Hello and happy Friday,

This is Rosa Ritchie, here to guide you through the biggest and most interesting stories of the day.

It looks like a warm and partly cloudy weekend ahead, with next-to-no chance of rain.

Temperatures on both days will hover around the 30 degree mark — just warm enough for a swim, I reckon.

UPDATE, 4:45 pm: Wrapping up

I’m pleased to announce John Lewis came half-way back from retirement today with the return of his Friday column.

This time it’s a beautiful account of the ‘goodbyes’ we say in life.

“Parents across Shepparton and beyond waved goodbye to their children this week as they crossed a threshold into the great world and went to school, many for the first time,” John writes.

“Others would have returned to the familiar and welcoming world of teachers and friends, while still others would have encountered something entirely different in Shepparton’s new, very splendid and perhaps slightly daunting secondary college.

“Each would have said goodbye to one stage of their lives to begin another.”

Now it’s time for me, Rosa, to say goodbye.

It’s my last day at Shepparton News, and, like those moment described so well in John’s column, I’ve got mixed emotions in my stomach that mean something special is ending, while the next stage of my life beckons.

Thank you for having me.

Enjoy the weekend, and whatever the next chapter of your life looks like.

UPDATE, 3:40 pm: Afternoon headlines

Tennis legend Norma Nethersole nominated for Sports Hall of Fame: The Greater Shepparton Sports Hall of Fame will welcome its newest members tonight, as legends descend on Riverlinks Eastbank for the induction ceremony. Norma Nethersole says she’s extraordinarily proud to be included in the incumbent cohort.

GV Health intern helping improve patient care: Medical intern Harvey Chong who helped overhaul an IT program for clinical staff has been named the recipient of GV Health’s inaugural Michael Kamenjarin Encouragement Award.

“It all started by trying to make the everyday lives and the work of doctors, nurses and allied health staff a little bit easier,” Dr Chong said.

Echuca needle spiking raises alarm: Just down the road a worrying crime trend is emerging -police have issued a warning for women to be aware of needle spiking at entertainment venues.

Clearing rubbish Zach’s salute to his brother: Echuca's Zach McGrath recently undertook his annual mission to rid the river of rubbish, in honour of his late brother, Luke. Zach amassed a staggering amount of rubbish, including six car tyres, 37 face masks, a car exhaust, witches hats and six bags of rubbish.

UPDATE, 12:45 pm: What’s on this weekend?

It’s nearing the sweet spot of Friday afternoon where that weekend feeling starts creeping in.

It might have you questioning, what does this weekend have in store? Look no further than our very own Goulburn Valley!

Get your art fix from William Kelly’s exhibition, COVID-Collaborations: A Shared Step on a Long Journey at SAM or perhaps pop your dancing shoes on with hip-hop classes running both Saturday and Sunday at Queen’s Garden.

Whatever you’re feeling, we’ve put in the hard yards and compiled a list of activities here for you to have a crack at over the coming days.

Activities: William Kelly’s exhibition, COVID-Collaborations: A Shared Step on a Long Journey at SAM is among the list of things to do this weekend. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

UPDATE, 12 pm: Meet Dexter and Dallas

Have you ever seen a white car with black spots zipping around Shepparton with two Dalmatians sticking their heads out the window?

I’ve spotted this car a few times from a distance, and have always been curious to meet the woman behind the steering wheel.

Steph Hackworthy didn’t have a good first encounter with the Dalmatian breed. But she’s had a major change of heart.

I thoroughly recommend reading about Steph, Dexter and Dallas here, with top notch pics to boot.

Spots galore: Steph Hackworthy pictured with her beloved Dalmatians, Dexter and Dallas. Photo by Megan Fisher

UPDATE, 11:45 am: Improving healthcare for older, culturally diverse Victorians

Community health organisation Cohealth is attending a hearing with the Victorian Government that started this week as part of an inquiry into how to improve healthcare for older Victorians from culturally diverse backgrounds.

It’s a matter of crucial importance to Shepparton resident Attilio Borzillo, 87, who is an advocate for the healthcare needs of older residents in the region.

Learn more in one of the first articles from The News’ newest cadet journalist, Youssef Saudie.

UPDATE, 10:10 am: COVID-19 numbers

The number of lives lost to COVID-19 has climbed higher today, with 36 Victorians dying with the virus in the past 24-hour reporting period.

It’s a timely reminder that wearing masks, getting vaccinated and social distancing are as important as ever.

There are 707 Victorians in hospital with the virus today, and 11,240 new cases.

Altogether, there are 65,968 active cases across the state.

Here’s a link to the latest COVID-19 update from GV Health CEO Matt Sharp.

Yesterday, Mr Sharp said GV Health had consistently had about 15 to 20 patients hospitalised for a few weeks now.

“They’re not declining for us, they’re more plateauing,” he said.

“I think we’ll continue to see admissions at GV Health in that 15 to 20 range every day.”

According to GV Health’s data, there are more than 900 active cases in Shepparton.

UPDATE, 9:45 am: Good news and touching stories from the Goulburn Valley community

Let’s kick off the news blog with my favourite stories of the week about people living in our community — some happy stories, some sad, all hyper-local.

Earlier this week we read about a freak weather event that ripped through Eden Farm Produce after its annual sunflower festival.

Today we hear a bit more about the happy day that preceded the unfortunate event.

Farm owners Katherina and Gary Baker said the turnout over the weekend was more than expected.

“People were just so happy to be out and about, there was a huge onus on that this year, possibly even more than last year,” Mrs Baker said.

“We had people coming up from Melbourne, Bendigo, even Sydney, sunflowers really make people smile.”

News photographer Megan Fisher took some beautiful photos, and the story by Nicola Ceccato is a sweet one to start the day with — see here.

Sunny smiles: Eden Farm Produce owners Gary and Katherina Baker. Photo by Megan Fisher

Today we also commemorate the lives of Michael and Jeanette Ryan, a well-loved Dookie couple who spent much of their lives married to each other, before they died in January only a week apart.

Just four days after she died, Mrs Ryan was named the Dookie and City of Greater Shepparton Senior Citizen of the Year at the Australia Day awards.

Mr and Mrs Ryan, who were both triple-vaccinated died from COVID-19-related complications.

Read about their remarkable lives in this story from Monique Preston.

Lifelong partnership: Remembering Michael and Jeanette Ryan.

Lastly, don’t forget that St Georges Road Primary School is hosting a pop-up vaccination clinic, open 9am to 3pm on Saturday and Sunday (February 5 and 6).

Children aged five to 11 can get a first dose of a vaccine, anyone eligible can receive a booster, and anyone aged 12 or over can get a first or second dose of a vaccine.

To book ahead, visit, or the option to rock up on the day is also there.

The clinic is located at 120 St Georges Road, Shepparton.

You can also check to find a vaccination centre near you.