
Strathmerton CFA celebrates 90 years of service

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Former and current service members gathered together for the special occasion. Photos: Kacey Bolitho. Photo by Contributed

Strathmerton CFA unit held its 90th birthday on Sunday, December 1. While conversation and cake flowed, several awards were handed out to serving members for their hard work and dedication to protecting their community.

Captain Billy Logie and Commander Peter Bell presented the awards to their assembled unit volunteers.

Kacey Bolitho was down at the unit’s headquarters with camera in hand.

Jenny Cossens was recognised for 25 years of service to the unit. Photo by Contributed
Kevin Bramich was also the recipient of a 25-year service medal. Photo by Contributed
Robert Aitken with his 20 years of service medal. Photo by Contributed

Strathmerton CFA service awardees

Five years certificate: Tom Payne and Jason Thomas.

10 year medal: Eden Large, Taylah Logie and Scott Randall.

20 year medal: Robert Aitkin and Tamsin Bourchier.

25 year medal: Kevin Bramich, Jenny Cossens, Ray Dempsey and Matt Mackenzie.

30 year medal: Rodney Bailey.