
No confidence in mayor: Cr Burge

Cr Shirlee Burge.

An attempt to move a motion of no confidence in Edward River Council Mayor Peta Betts was shut down by the mayor herself during an ordinary council meeting this week.

Councillor Shirlee Burge requested to add an urgent business item to the council agenda stating the matter was “serious” and her attempts to hold a councillor only meeting had been ignored by the mayor for more than a week.

The Pastoral Times understands the attempted no confidence motion relates to matters which allegedly occurred during the NSW State Election campaign when Cr Betts ran for the seat of Murray, and two Liberal Party members - Christian Ellis, who challenged Member for Farrer Sussan Ley for preselection last year, and Jean Haynes, who is challenging Ms Ley now - to have some Deniliquin branch members of the Liberal Party expelled.

Allegations of branch stacking in the electorate of Farrer resulted in former prime minister Scott Morrison stepping in to ensure Ms Ley was pre-selected for the Liberal Party prior to the federal election last year.

During Tuesday’s council meeting, Cr Betts looked stunned and remained speechless when Cr Burge requested an urgent item of business be discussed.

“I have an urgent item of business,” Cr Burge said.

“On the 8th of August I emailed you (Mayor Betts) requesting an urgent meeting of councillors only.

“I’ve had no response from you.

“I’ve asked you again this morning - the matter is serious.

“If the mayor has had no time in the last eight days or the foreseeable future for one of her councillors then I have no confidence in the ability of the mayor to perform her duties effectively.

“I will ask you again in front of your community to please set a date and time.”

Edward River Council mayor Peta Betts

Councillors may ask for an urgent business item to be added to a council agenda if the matter is of ‘extreme gravity or seriousness’.

The NSW Office of Local Government provides examples of extreme gravity or seriousness which include but are not limited to “An issue of risk that has the significant potential to damage the council’s reputation”.

However, Mayor Betts refused the request saying she did not consider it urgent.

“Your email has been noted and as told to you this morning, before you had the privilege of grandstanding in front of an audience, that I would check my calendar and get back to you by the end of the day to make a time. So that is the end of that.”

At the time of printing, Cr Betts had still not confirmed a meeting time with Cr Burge and had allegedly advised other councillors that she “wasn’t planning on”.

Mayor Betts and CEO Phil Stone were asked to comment but had not responded to Pastoral Times questions at the time of print.