
Numurkah development plan approved

Approved: Numurkah’s Tunnock Rd will be redeveloped after a decision at council’s monthly meeting on Wednesday, August 23. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Moira Shire Council approved a development plan for Tunnock Rd in Numurkah at its meeting on Wednesday, August 23.

Onley Holdings applied to develop the four-hectare site for 12 residential lots at 30-36 Tunnock Rd as a transition to a rural living-style development within the farming zone to the east.

All development within the designated site would be above the flood levels, and modelling shows that no existing surrounding buildings will be adversely affected by the proposed development.

Final levee heights are still subject to detailed design but will include a minimum 300mm free board and are expected to be less than one metre in height.

Council noted that the development plan provided an overarching framework to guide the site’s future usage, development and subdivision in conjunction with other relevant planning controls.

Panel of administrators chair John Tanner said council had a responsibility to consider the issue and all planning matters on the merits of the planning scheme.

Consequently, the panel had undertaken an extra level of stakeholder consultation to ensure it had received all relevant community views and opinions.

According to council, none of the external authorities had raised any issues with the proposed development plan, including EPA, Goulburn-Murray Water, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, Goulburn Valley Water and Powercor.

Administrator Graeme Emonson highlighted the development plan as an important matter for Numurkah residents. He noted the site’s inclusion for future residential development in the 2010 Numurkah Strategy Plan, and the extensive flood modelling that had been undertaken.

Mr Emonson called the application, on balance and with additional conditions, a “fair and reasonable” planning response for the site.

Administrator Suzanna Sheed said parts of the land could not be developed based on the flood modelling done for the area.

She noted that residents had raised concerns about the proposed levee’s ownership and that council would create an easement to protect the land in line with other areas in Numurkah.

Ms Sheed also said the Numurkah development was an important factor in the overall housing shortage at all levels of government.

The council approved the Tunnock Rd development plans with the addition of the following conditions:

• Development did not have any fill within the Rural Floodway Overlay (excavation only).

• Buildings on proposed lots nine, 10, 11 and 12 be restricted to the approved envelopes.

• Driveways associated with lots nine, 10, 11 and 12 be constructed no higher than 50 millimetres above the general natural surface level.