
O’Brien calls for urgent funding to repair Victorian’s roads

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Investment needed: Nationals Member for Northern Victoria Gaelle Broad, Nationals Leader Peter Walsh and Shadow Minister for Roads and Road Safety Danny O'Brien inspect a road in need of repair.

The Nationals Shadow Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Danny O’Brien, has called on the Allan Government to urgently deliver a new funding package to help repair Victoria’s road network.

Mr O’Brien said Victoria’s roads were already in poor condition with recurring potholes, cracking, rutting, uneven surfaces and broken-up road shoulders.

However, he said the roads have further deteriorated due to months of heavy rainfall and flooding in many areas across the state.

He’s claimed cuts in the road maintenance budget by the State Government have led to the poor condition of roads.

Mr O’Brien said the $165 million Labor allocated for post-flood road repairs in October 2022 was insufficient.

“The Government’s half-hearted attempt after the 2022 floods barely scratched the surface, and state and local roads have been left wanting – councils are still waiting for funding support to help fix local roads,” he said.

“There needs to be an immediate package of new funding just to catch up on the backlog of works needed to fix our roads.”