
On the grapevine: Trip of a lifetime

Emily Orsida's studies are taking her on the trip of a lifetime to Fiji. Photo by Barb Love

Emily to broaden her horizons with trip to Fiji

Cobram’s Emily Orsida is excited to have two weeks in Fiji as part of a program designed and funded by Monash University.

The program, Global Immersion Guarantee, will also offer ongoing benefits to the 18-year-old, which covers social, political and grassroot studies of Fiji, while she continues with her Bachelor of Science degree.

Emily attended Cobram Anglican Grammar School, and during Year 8 she became attracted to biology through her teacher, Melanie Smith, who possessed a rare passion for the subject and ultimately inspired her student to learn more and study science at university.

Emily completed her VCE in 2023 and began at Monash University earlier this year.

She is thrilled to have the opportunity to be selected among a group of fellow students to study and learn about the environment, the people, culture and ecosystems of the Fijian islands.

“Selection is based on how you are going with your degree course and if you are serious about your studies and putting in the work. It is very good of the university to offer us the opportunity. Fiji was my first choice, so I am thrilled,” Emily said.

With a bright personality, and interest in the world around her, Emily would ultimately like to undertake research into molecular biology and this, her first overseas trip, is just the beginning.

She is driven to achieve what she sets her mind to, and with amazing support and information available to students at Monash University, she is well on the way to taking the right path to achieve her goal. At present, this is primarily focused on molecular research.

The group of about 30 students will stay at the National University in Suva and gain a broad insight into life for Fijians, both in the towns and villages.

The work completed on the trip will be counted as two subjects, with pre-work and post-work on their study tour comprising cultural data and information.

It won’t be a walk in the park, there are expectations, but it will be a fantastic Pacific Island eye-opener and informative experience,” Emily said.

“Monash has been amazing, there are so many career options and pathways to achieve what you want to do.

“I have met lots of people from all over and there is so much fantastic advice, particularly on the Career Days.

“We have formed our own little community with friends we have made studying the same course, and we help each other.”

Learning that Emily had been accepted for the study trip, her parents Stacey Chanter and Adrian Orsida decided to book a family holiday in Fiji with Emily and her three siblings when it was time for the group to return to Australia.

For the very first time, the entire family of six will enjoy an overseas holiday together.

Bula vinaka, Orsida family.

Sip and Salami Day at Cobram Football Netball Club

Try some local wines at Cobram Football Netball Club's Sip and Salami Day. Photo by Barb Love

Ooh, it sounds like a day of indulgence. A Sip and Salami Day.

An innovative fundraiser will be held by Cobram Football Netball Club this Sunday, August 25, at Scott Oval, Cobram, and it promises to be a fun afternoon.

If you consider yourself to be something of a connoisseur of homemade salami and can combine this with a love of red wines from some of Australia’s finest wineries, then this could be just the day for you.

Locals would be aware of many families in the district who proudly make their own salami every year and this is your opportunity to recognise these fine examples of locally produced products at the footy on Sunday.

A huge array of delicious salami will be available for tasting and judging by you, the consumer.

To add to your enjoyment, there is masked red wine tasting to help wash down the salami, and If you believe your taste buds are primed to select the finest drop, come along and test yourself at a cost of $5 per person.

The day will run from noon to 5pm and the cost is $15 per person or $30 for families, which includes a delicious lasagne and salad lunch. Drinks will also be available for purchase.

As there are limited tickets, contact President Mick Hoban on 0408 672 679 to book.

If you would like to bring along a masked bottle of wine that you believe will be difficult to guess its origin and grape type, please do, it will add to the fun.

Artisan creativity expo this Sunday

Finley Regional Care will host an exciting Artisan Creativity Expo this Sunday, August 25, from 10am to 3pm at the Memorial Hall in Murray St, Finley.

It promises to offer something unique and rarely seen in the town with more than 40 stallholders showcasing their creative “one of a kind” artisan, art and craft talents.

Stallholders from around the region will display their amazing array of artwork, jewellery, children’s clothing, pottery, recycled tin and wooden products, leatherwork, herbal teas, candles and garden art.

There will also be fresh flowers plus a plant trading table.

Entry is a gold coin donation and morning tea and a light luncheon will be available at $10 per person.

All proceeds from the day will go towards Finley Regional Care.