
Op-Shop needs help to continue supporting the community

Debra Cardillo of Mild2Wild Rod and Custom presents a certificate of appreciation to Maria Elphinstone of Tocumwal Community Op-Shop following the recent donation.

With profits made from sales from the Tocumwal Community Op-Shop, a donation has been gratefully received by Mild2Wild Rod and Custom Club.

Donations like these are being made on a regular basis to local groups, with all funds raised through the Community Op-Shop going back into our community.

The shop is always looking to fill shifts with new volunteers.

It has recently had to close early, or not open at all some days, due to lack of volunteers.

If you have free time and may be able to donate to this organisation, please drop in and pick up an application form.

The shop is located at 50 Murray St, Tocumwal and is open Monday to Saturday from 9am.

Pictured is Debra Cardillo of Mild2Wild Rod and Custom presenting a certificate of appreciation to Maria Elphinstone of Tocumwal Community Op-Shop.


Tocumwal’s Mia Owen received the wonderful news that she has been invited to attend a two-day camp in Sydney to try out for the Girls NSW PSSA Team.

Mia will be with other talented cricketers who will be under the watchful eye of state selectors.

They will assess her skills and abilities to play at a higher level.

If successful, Mia will get to play in the National Carnival in Ballarat later this term.

Congratulations Mia and all the very best with the upcoming camp.


It is fantastic to see some of Tocumwal’s locally owned and operated businesses recognised on a state or national level for their excellence in business.

Cadence Software attended the Business NSW Murray-Riverina Awards last week as a finalist in the category of Excellence in Micro Business.

This award recognises a business that has effectively driven growth and is able to demonstrate the specific strategies implemented to achieve business success and resilience.

Cadence Software was founded in 2016 by Peter Harrison who is heavily involved in our community, volunteering time, and sponsoring local sport clubs.

Fussy As Cleaning Services has also been recognised for excellence in business with four nominations for owner Roz Patterson in the Australian Ladies in Business Initiative.

The four categories were Overcoming the Odds, Regional Superstar, The Phoenix Award and Rising Star.

In September 2022, Roz was also nominated as a finalist in the AusMumpreneur awards which celebrates outstanding achievements of Australian mums in small business.


Tocumwal Football Netball Club welcomes a new recruit for the 2023 season - Andrew Dickins.

Andrew comes to the TFNC from the CSU Bush Pigs in the Farrer League.

He has previously played more than 150 senior games for Mangoplah in the Riverina League.

He is a big 200cm ruckman who has the ability to hit the score board when resting forward.

His size is going to be a massive asset to the club around the ground, and a very difficult matchup when resting forward.

Andrew will also be assisting Kade Rowe in the role of assistant coach.


Tocumwal Lions Community Hostel extends its thanks to all of the volunteers, staff members and friends of the hostel who donated their time to make the fete one of the best ones they had ever had.

They also thank the local business owners and community members who donated vouchers and goods for the spinning wheel.

The hostel raised an incredible $7,290.


There was sad news received recently that former Tocumwal teacher, Des Leighton, passed away at Broken Hill on October 16.

Des and his wife Cassandra were teachers at Tocumwal Public School from 1987 to 2000.

Des had been unwell for some time and was diagnosed with cancer just five weeks before his death.

He was a loved and loving husband of Cassandra and father of Peter, Emma, and Michael.


If you have something of interest for inclusion in the Tocumwal Tells column, please send an email to or call on 0432 261 296.