
Organisers planning best Mt Bruno Picnic yet

Great day out: The 2023 Mt Bruno Picnic is on Saturday, October 28 from 1pm. Photo by Contributed

The famous Mt Bruno Picnic returns this month (October) 130 years since it started.

The day will include a range of activities in three sections:

The children’s section includes running races, the three-legged race, the egg and spoon race and the sack race.

The Ladies’ section includes broom throwing, nail driving, sprints and the blindfolded wheelbarrow push.

The Men’s section features sprints, ball throwing at a wicket and the high jump.

Organiser Jan James said there will be something for everyone at the annual family-oriented event.

“There’ll be all the usual races for all the different age groups,” Jan said.

“The women’s nail hammering competition is very fiercely competed each year, and that draws a big crowd.

“The wheelbarrow race is another one for ladies. They’re blindfolded and given an old wheelbarrow, and there is a pole in the middle of the race track.

“The aim is to walk blindfolded to the poll, whoever gets the closest wins.

“When you’re blindfolded, you think you’re walking straight ahead quite.

“More often than not, you’re not, and it brings a lot of laughter. People love that one.”

Jan said all children taking part get a prize.

“The children always love the Mt Bruno Picnic,” she said.

“We have a shed full of prizes, and the winners get to go in and choose a prize.

“And we have a race for all the children who haven’t won a prize yet, and they all get to choose something from the shed.”

Jan said she is proud to keep this tradition alive more than a century after it began.

“It started in 1893 with a couple of families. It was started by the Jones’ who lived up what is now Jones Rd, and they invited another family to join them,” she said.

“As the years went on, they invited more and more families, and it grew from there.”

A voluntary committee runs the picnic; entry is just a gold coin donation.

The Mt Bruno Picnic, 2023, starts at 1pm on Saturday, October 28.

Follow the ‘Picnic Day’ signs from the Glenrowan – Boweya road to Jones Rd, along to the picnic area at Mt Bruno in the Warby Ranges.

For more information, call Doug James on 0418 518 247.