
Out of the bush and into the city for firefighters’ stair climb race

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At the ready: Forest Fire Management Victoria firefighters from Benalla, (left to right) Jess Willan, Nick Panuccio, Tash Brown and James Ryan, will participate in the ninth Melbourne Firefighter Stair Climb, which raises money for services related to depression, post-traumatic stress injury and suicide.

They could have taken the lift, but four firefighters from Benalla have decided to take on the ninth annual Melbourne Firefighter Stair Climb to raise money for a worthy cause instead.

The challenge on Friday, September 10 will see Tash Brown, Jess Willan, James Ryan and Nick Panuccio climb 28 floors of Melbourne’s Metropol Hotel carrying 25kg of forest firefighting equipment.

The event aims to raise $600,000 for Lifeline and the 000 Foundation to improve support services, fund research, remove stigmas and raise awareness of mental health issues such as depression, post-traumatic stress injury and suicide.

While the firefighters do not usually encounter stairs while responding to bushfires, they are confident they can meet the challenge.

“We would normally find ourselves smashing our way through thick forest, or hiking up goat tracks over rocks and boulders, so climbing stairs might be a nice change,” Jess said.

“Above all else, we just want to support those within the firefighting ranks who have mental health challenges and let them know that we are standing side-by-side with them.”

The Benalla contingent will be among 600 career and volunteer firefighters competing in the event, which has raised more than $2.3 million for hospitals and services since its inception in 2014.

In 2020, there were 3139 deaths by suicide in Australia, more than double the national road toll, while more than 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life each year.

Alarmingly, mental health issues, such as depression, post-traumatic stress injury and suicide, are more prevalent among those within the emergency services and defence communities.

Team FFMVic (Benalla) has exceeded its initial fundraising goal and is now looking to raise more than $3000.

Donations can be made via this link: