
Parked car shunted 30m in crash

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Crash: A hatchback was extensively damaged after it was hit by another vehicle on The Boulevard in Shepparton on Monday night. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

A parked car was pushed 30m down the road after it was hit by another vehicle on The Boulevard on Monday, May 29.

Shepparton police Sergeant Mark Phillips said a Toyota four-wheel drive being driven along The Boulevard hit the back of a hatchback parked outside a house about 9.30pm.

The hatchback was extensively damaged as it was shunted 30m.

The driver of the four-wheel drive left the scene but a man known to him arrived at the house and spoke to police about what had happened and told them where to find the driver.

The driver told police he had “lost concentration, possibly due to fatigue”, Sgt Phillips said.

The man was breath tested and was found not to be drink driving.

Neither car involved in the crash was insured.

The four-wheel drive driver will be fined on summons for careless driving.