
Plans afoot to win funding support for bridge repairs

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Think big: Strathbogie Shire Council is seeking “ideas people” to help it prepare an irresistible funding application to repair Kirwans Bridge near Nagambie.

Strathbogie Shire Council is turning to “ideas people” and “thinkers” to help it get funding over the line that will ensure the future of Kirwans Bridge near Nagambie.

The council is hosting a workshop on October 23 to plan its approach to advocating for funding of repairs to the bridge to enable it to reopen.

The bridge has been closed since last year’s flood event in October.

That has meant instead of a journey into Nagambie of a few kilometres, the 150-odd residents of Kirwans Bridge face the choice of an additional 17km around the unsealed Weir Rd or to travel through Murchison.

Mayor Laura Binks has called on the local community to join with council in attempts to secure funding to upgrade the bridge.

“We cannot thank the Kirwans Bridge Community Panel enough,” Cr Binks said.

“It is because of this group of dedicated residents we now have options for a sustainable future for the bridge.”

Cr Binks said the two options prepared would mean the bridge would remain open long into the future but cost millions of dollars.

“With options costing between $6 million to $7 million, we need to think big when it comes to advocacy to the Victorian and Australian governments,” she said.

“We need to send a message to potential funders that is impossible to ignore.”

Kirwans Bridge Community Panel chair Darren Lyons has also encouraged community members to get involved.

“This is an opportunity to work together to achieve our goal of a long-term, sustainable future for Kirwans Bridge,” Mr Lyons said.

“More than this, we get the opportunity to think boldly and come up with advocacy ideas that ensure the future of our bridge is secured.”

The workshop will be held on October 23 from 5pm to 8pm. Registrations are essential and can be made by visiting