
Police and Benalla council call for caution on new zebra crossing

Safety first: Leading Senior Constable Lisa Atkinson, Benalla Mayor Bernie Hearn, Benalla Councillor Danny Claridge and Senior Constable Kerri Croxford are keen for drivers to keep an eye out for pedestrians crossing at the Fawckner Dve zebra crossing. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Benalla police are keen to see drivers paying attention to the recently installed zebra crossing on Fawckner Dve.

Leading Senior Constable Lisa Atkinson and Senior Constable Kerri Croxford were joined by Benalla Mayor Bernie Hearn and Councillor Danny Claridge at the crossing on Friday, August 18.

Const Foote said Benalla Police had received a few complaints from pedestrians that not all drivers are complying with the new crossing.

“The reason for today was to remind the public that the crossing is now in place,” Const Croxford said.

“And for people be aware as they are approaching a pedestrian crossing, in a vehicle, of their responsibility.

“That being to slow down and look for anyone entering the crossing, and to stop and give way to those people.”

In relation to raising awareness of drivers’ responsibilities, when approaching pedestrian crossings, it is important to remember:

  • A driver approaching a pedestrian crossing must drive at a speed at which the driver can, if necessary, stop safely before the crossing
  • A driver must give way to any pedestrian on or entering a pedestrian crossing.

Const Foote said she also wanted to let the community know that Police will be visible in Benalla and enforcing road rules in the coming weeks.

Police will be focusing on unsafe road users, specifically:

  • Unroadworthy vehicles
  • Proper use of child restraints and seat belts
  • Driver distraction
  • Speed limits
  • Impaired driving

Benalla Mayor Bernie Hearn said that having recently increased safety measures around the pedestrian crossing at Fawckner Drive, the Benalla Local Safety and Traffic Committee wanted to raise awareness about road safety.

“That’s here in Fawckner Drive, as well as more generally in Benalla,” Cr Hearn said.

“Pedestrian safety is something everyone needs to take seriously, and Council is working with our local community and Police to raise awareness on this issue.”

Sen Const Atkinson said it is also important for the public to report any unsafe road behaviour to police.

That can be done by calling Benalla Police Station on 5760 0200.