
Police beat

Witnesses sought: Can you assist Wallan police regarding an incident near St Patrick’s Primary School in Kilmore on August 8? Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

Kilmore incident

Police are seeking witnesses to an incident near St Patrick’s Primary School in Kilmore on Monday.

A man and a woman were involved in a serious altercation in a vehicle on Conway St about 8.40am. The incident occurred during school drop-off time and would have been observed by multiple witnesses.

Anyone who saw anything is urged to phone Wallan police on 5783 0400.

Driver distractions

Driver distractions can include mobile phones, passengers, music or music devices, food and drink, GPS devices, scenery and activity outside the vehicle.

These are just some of the things that can impact a driver's concentration, reaction time and alertness.

However, there are a few things drivers can do to limit distractions.

These include setting their phone on "do not disturb' while driving; setting the GPS or playlist before starting the vehicle; and pulling over when they need to attend to small children or pets.

Passengers can support the driver by speaking up when other passengers become a distraction.

Pedestrian safety

Pedestrian safety requires good judgment, awareness and commonsense when out running or walking in public.

Pedestrians should use traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, pedestrian refuges, overpasses and bridge underpasses; make eye contact with other road users to make sure they've seen you; watch for oncoming traffic, even while crossing the road; and always cross the road at a crossing or traffic lights.

Following the above tips also sets a good example for children and other pedestrians.

To avoid calamity, pedestrians should not cross a road near the crest of a hill or on a bend, as motorists may not see them in time.

They should not step off the kerb on to the road until the traffic has stopped or cleared, or walk on to the road from between parked vehicles.