Police Beat

Slow down: With schools returning this month drivers are reminded to be cautious, and to slow down in school zones. Pictured are Senior Constable Lisa Atkinson with one of Benalla's volunteer crossing-supervisors. Photo by Contributed

Back to school

Monday, January 30, is the first day of school for 2023.

Please remember to reduce your speed and be aware there will be a lot more traffic around our schools.

There will be many new and returning students heading to school on foot, by bus or dropped off by family.

Please ensure compliance will all parking regulations and signs.

Police would like to remind all drivers that the 40km/hr school zones will be enforced.


Police are hoping to reunite owners of a black mobile phone that was left at the Royal Hotel on January 10 and a car key fob located in Bridge St, Benalla, on January 11. If you think you may be the owner of either of these items, phone Benalla Police Station, proof of ownership will be required.

Police have also had several bicycles and scooters handed in, if you are missing such and item please contact Benalla Police, if you can provide proof of ownership, we can reunite you with your wheels.


In recent days several counterfeit $50 and $100 notes were presented to businesses in Benalla. An offender has been remanded into custody by Police. While several of these notes have been recovered there may be others still in circulation. If you believe you may have received a counterfeit $50 or $100 note, phone Benalla Police 5760 0200.