Police Beat

Stay safe: Two licences suspended and more in this week’s Police Beat. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

Alcohol and drug testing

On Sunday, October 22, Benalla Highway Patrol was in the Benalla area.

Two drivers were found to have a blood-alcohol level of more than 0.05.

Both motorists will lose their driver’s licences, one for 12 months and the other for six months, with both receiving substantial fines.

Benalla Highway Patrol will be increasing breath and drug testing during the coming months as the weather improves and the holiday season approaches.

October is Motorcycle Awareness Month

If you are heading out to the bush, remember:

• Plan your trip and tell someone where you will be and when you expect to be back.

• Keep a safe distance between riders. Tailgating cuts down your reaction time and leads to accidents.

• Make sure to take plenty of breaks and drink plenty of water.

• Ride with a friend or in a group. Remember, phone coverage is not guaranteed.

For more information on motorcycle safety, visit www.police.vic.gov.au/motorcycle-safety