
Police on a mission to stop road fatalities over Christmas

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All hands on deck: Police will be out in force to make sure drivers are doing the right thing over the Christmas period. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

Police will be doing their best to drive down road trauma during the high-risk Christmas period with Operation Roadwise starting on Friday, December 16.

The 11-day statewide road policing operation comes as the number of lives lost in Victoria reached 236, already surpassing last year’s total of 234 and sitting well above the five-year average of 221.

The operation will see police provide highly visible enforcement on Victoria’s major arterial roads and highways in an effort to reduce road trauma and detect dangerous drivers before someone is hurt.

Police intelligence shows there is an increased risk of impaired driving associated with end-of-year work and social functions, with vulnerable road users such as pedestrians also deemed at risk, particularly around busy shopping centre precincts.

Last year almost 130,000 motorists were tested for alcohol and drugs during Operation Roadwise, with police predicting the increase to a 12-day operation this year from 10 days will see even more motorists undergoing tests.

With 40 per cent of last year’s Operation Roadwise fines issued for speeding, police are reminding motorists to keep the foot off the accelerator to avoid a costly Christmas — the penalty for speeding by more than 10km/h but less than 15km/h is $370 and three demerit points, with those exceeding the speed limit by more than 25km/h facing even more significant penalties and a suspended licence.

Mobile phone use continues to be a major contributor to road trauma, with 536 mobile phone infringements issued to drivers during last year’s operation.

Benalla Highway Patrol’s Sergeant Shaun Hillier said the primary objectives of the operation are to focus on speeding, impaired driving, fatigue and distracted driving.

“For the duration of the operation people can expect to see a lot more police on the road, and along with that we anticipate we’re going to operate a lot more testing sites than normal,” Sgt Hillier said.

“So if you’re out celebrating Christmas and drive home you can expect to be breath tested and, or, drug tested.”

Sgt Hillier said for those travelling during the Christmas period his advice is to manage your fatigue, take regular breaks and plan your trip.

“In relation to distracted driving we will be targeting people using mobile phones whilst driving,” he said.

“Our message is we want people to enjoy the festive season, but we also want them to be safe, and look out for the safety of others.”

The penalty for using a mobile phone while driving is $555 and four demerits.

Police are urging motorists not to ignore the warnings around road trauma, with 25 lives lost during December last year.

The operation started at 12.01am on Friday, December 16, and will finish at 11.59pm on Tuesday, December 27.

Police enforcement will continue throughout the New Year period.