
Police on the lookout for distracted drivers this month

Be careful: Something as simple as sending a text can have catastrophic consequences. Photo: Supplied Photo by kali9

Police are warning distracted drivers to be more careful on the roads this month.

As a part of Operation Distract, Echuca police will be targeting driver distraction, failure to wear seat belts and speed-related offending.

Based on local intelligence, these factors have been found to be a defining factor in many reported collisions and fatalities within the Campaspe region.

Seargent Tony Keely said that people in cars should not consider wearing a seatbelt as optional.

“Some people think they don’t need to wear a seatbelt; they hear a rare story about how someone was saved because they weren’t wearing a seatbelt, and they believe that,” he said.

“But for everyone you allegedly hear that happen to, there are probably thousands of people where wearing a seatbelt has saved their life.”

The use of mobile phones while driving will also be targeted throughout March.

“People just think a little glance down to make a phone call or look at a text is not too bad. Even just a little glance down can make the car drift onto the wrong side of the road or off into the grave,” Sgt Keely said.

“It seems like a common practice but it’s still very dangerous, and the consequences of one little movement could have catastrophic effects on the rest of their lives and the lives of other people.”