
Police plea for motorists to drive safely

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Drive safe: Operation Roadwise aims to keep motorists safe on Victoria’s roads during the Christmas and new year period. Photo by Megan Fisher

Police are pleading with motorists to take extra care on the roads during the high-risk Christmas period, with a road safety operation starting on Friday, December 15.

The statewide Operation Roadwise comes as the number of lives lost this year surges to 279 as of Tuesday, December 12, surpassing the 241 total for all of last year.

It’s the highest number of lives lost across the same period in 15 years.

This year’s operation is running for an extra six days to cover the busy new year period.

Alcohol and drug testing will be a focus, with police data showing an increase in the number of drivers recording low-range drink driving readings of between 0.05 and 0.069 blood alcohol concentration in December.

Detections are about four per cent higher than the typical monthly average.

Police said the increase in low-range drink driving detections was likely due to drivers miscalculating their alcohol intake, suggesting many were prepared to risk having a few drinks at end-of-year social functions before getting behind the wheel.

Last year, police detected 511 drink driving offences from about 201,000 preliminary breath tests and a further 375 drug driving offences from 5122 roadside drug tests.

With Operation Roadwise being extended to 18 days this year, police anticipate thousands more motorists undergoing roadside alcohol and drug testing.

With Boxing Day being one of the busiest days for travel across the state, police are urging those hitting the roads to be patient, avoid distractions and take regular breaks to prevent fatigue.

Road Policing Assistant Commissioner Glenn Weir urged everyone to make road safety a priority during the festive period.

“The last place you want to end up this Christmas is in a hospital, or worse, as a result of road trauma,” he said.

“December is particularly high-risk on our roads – we tend to see an increase in social functions and events that increases the likelihood of impaired driving, as well as increased traffic as people head away to regional areas.

“For those who choose to ignore the road rules – you’ll be up for a costly Christmas. The penalties are significant, and we make no apologies for enforcing the rules – it could save someone’s life.”

Operation Roadwise starts at 12.01am on Friday, December 15, and finishes at 11.59pm on Monday, January 1.

Some common penalties

  • Speeding by between 10km/h and 15km/h above the limit – $385 and three demerit points.
  • Failing to wear a seatbelt – $385 and three demerit points.
  • Failing to obey a traffic light – $481 and three demerit points.
  • Using a mobile phone while driving – $577 and four demerit points.
  • Drink driving with a blood alcohol reading of between 0.05 and 0.069 – $577 and a three-month licence suspension if over 26 years old, or a six-month licence suspension if under 26 years old.