
Police to run Operation Nexus this weekend

Warning: Victoria Police is ready to test drivers for drug or alcohol this long weekend. Photo: File Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

Police will be focusing on distracted drivers this weekend as the region sees an influx of visitors for Easter weekend.

Echuca Police acting sergeant Gary Atkins said that Operation Nexus will be running from Thursday, March 28, until Easter Monday.

“We’ll be targeting the main causes of fatalities and serious injuries,” he said.

“So that’s things like excessive speed, driver distraction, seatbelt non-compliance, fatigue and impaired driving due to alcohol and or drugs.

“Give yourself plenty of time to drive from home to your destination. So take care on the roads and be courteous to other road users.”

Sgt Atkins said that police will be monitoring the back roads this weekend.

"Just like any weekend where the traffic flow into Echuca increases, there seems to be more offences,” he said.

“That’s why we will conduct a lot of speed enforcement along all the arterial roads and the back roads.”

The police are asking people to make sure that if they plan to drink, they arrange a safe way home.

"We can pull anyone over at any time for alcohol and drug testing, and we will be enforcing that,” Sgt Atkins said.