
Popular psychology course returns to U3A

Variety: U3A has a range of courses available at Benalla’s Senior Citizens Community Centre (pictured), as well as other sites around the Rose City. Photo by Libby Price

On Tuesday, July 18, U3A convener Jane Rushworth will begin hosting a five-session, 10-hour Demystifying Psychology course through U3A Benalla.

Ms Rushworth originally ran the popular course back in 2020 but took a break in 2021 and 2022.

She said the program’s 2023 content would be a revamp of the 2020 course.

“That means participants will enjoy a relaxed, often humorous introduction to psychology, by looking at theories that explain how relationships and events happen, and how these theories relate to everyday life,” Ms Rushworth said.

The course will include:

  • Personality types and preferred coping styles: are you a peacock, eagle, owl or dove?
  • Addictions: how to recognise the signs, which you’ll find are everywhere.
  • Raising children: is endless love the answer?
  • What makes leaders and their followers, with particular reference to former US President Donald Trump’s continuing popularity.
  • Pre- and post-testing, or what do I know now that I didn’t before?

The course will run at the Benalla Senior Citizens Centre on Fawckner Dve from 10am to noon on the following dates: July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17 and November 21.

Session content from 2020 can be accessed via

People wishing to join U3A will find a membership form at the bottom of that webpage.

Existing U3A members can simply add their names to the attendance list on July 18.

For more information, email Jane Rushworth at or phone her on 0437 621 575.