
Pottery birds take flight in ‘Flock of Ages’ craft session

Seniors Festival - Flock of ages pottery bird making day
Artist at work: Rosie Cornelious prepares her birds. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

As part of the Seniors Festival, Shepparton Access ran Flock of Ages - a pottery bird making workshop held on Tuesday October 17, where participants had a go at creating their own clay bird.

The goal of the activity was to encourage friendships and fun times between Shepparton Access participants and the community.

News photographer Rechelle Zammit went along to check out the pieces of work.

Here’s what she captured.

Seniors Festival - Flock of ages pottery bird making day
Concentration face: Heath Vale meticulously carves the wings of his pottery bird. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Seniors Festival - Flock of ages pottery bird making day
Creative mind: Jaymee Adamo sits proudly with her work. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Seniors Festival - Flock of ages pottery bird making day
Handy man: Steve Purvis uses the clay to build up his sculpture. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Seniors Festival - Flock of ages pottery bird making day
Artistry: Fiona Keenan and Dale Roberts enjoy the day together. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Seniors Festival - Flock of ages pottery bird making day
All smiles: Margaret Lock and her bird. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Seniors Festival - Flock of ages pottery bird making day
Spread your wings: Pottery bird creations from throughout the day. Photo by Rechelle Zammit